Table to compare the features of Open Source Grafana and Enterprise Grafana:

Feature Open Source Grafana Enterprise Grafana
Licensing Free and open-source Subscription-based
Visualization Basic visualization options Advanced visualization options including additional plugins
Alerting Basic alerting capabilities Enhanced alerting features, including centralized alert management
Authentication Only Grafana Authentication Advanced authentication methods like SAML and LDAP
User Management Standard user management Advanced user management with more granular access controls
Data Sources Supports various data sources Open Source + AppDynamics, Azure Devops, Databricks, DataDog, Databricks, Dynatrace, Gitlab, Honeycomb, Jira, k6 Cloud App, MongoDB, New Relic, Oracle Database, Salesforce, SAP HANA®, ServiceNow, Snowflake, Splunk, Splunk Infrastructure monitoring (SignalFx), Sqlyze Datasource, SumoLogic, Wavefront
Reporting Limited reporting features Enhanced reporting features with scheduling and PDF export
Support None Professional support with SLAs
Plugins Access to free plugins Access to both free and premium plugins
Scalability Suitable for smaller scale Optimized for large scale and high availability
API Rate Limits Standard limits Higher or customizable limits
Security Basic security features Advanced security features, including more frequent updates and patches
Customization Very limited customization Customization options for: Application title, Login background, Login logo, Side menu top logo, Footer and help menu links, Fav icon (shown in browser tab), Login title (will not appear if a login logo is set, Grafana v7.0+), Login subtitle (will not appear if a login logo is set, Grafana v7.0+), Login box background (Grafana v7.0+), Loading logo

Grafana Enterprise Only Features:

Grafana Enterprise Only includes exclusive features that are not available in the open-source version include:

  1. Advanced Authentication: Integration with SAML, OAuth, LDAP, and more for enhanced security and user management.
  2. Enhanced Security: Features like data encryption, audit logging, and fine-grained access control help in maintaining higher security standards.
  3. Enterprise Plugins: Access to premium plugins exclusive to the Enterprise version, which are not available in the open-source edition.
  4. Reporting: Advanced reporting features allow users to create and schedule reports and send them via email.
  5. 24/7 Support: Access to professional support with service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure timely assistance.
  6. Custom Authentication: Allows for integration with custom authentication mechanisms tailored to specific organizational needs.
  7. Data Source Permissions: Fine-grained control over who can access specific data sources within Grafana.
  8. Team Sync: Synchronize teams between Grafana and external auth systems like GitHub, GitLab, or LDAP.
  9. White Labeling: Customizing the look and feel of Grafana to match company branding.
  10. Audit Logging: Detailed logging of user actions for security and compliance purposes.
  11. Enhanced API Rate Limits: Higher or customizable rate limits for API usage.
  12. Multi-Tenant Support: Advanced multi-tenancy features for managed service providers and large organizations.