Cartoon Quants learning SQL

SQL for Quants/Finance is a specialized course focused on querying market data (stocks/bonds/FX) and performing common finance analyses.

"SQL for Quants" is a specialized topic aimed at quantitative analysts or "quants" who work extensively with data in finance, statistics, or similar fields. A proposed an outline of the content typically covered in such a course is shown below. It's proposed to have interactive exercises using real finance data throughout.

  1. Introduction to SQL:

    • What is SQL?
    • Why SQL is essential for quants?
    • Basic SQL syntax and structure.
  2. Data Retrieval:

    • SELECT statement: Retrieving data from a single table.
    • Filtering data: WHERE clause.
    • Sorting data: ORDER BY clause.
    • Limiting results: LIMIT clause.
  3. Joining Tables:

    • Joining multiple tables.
    • Handling NULL values.
  4. Aggregating Data:

    • Grouping data: GROUP BY clause.
    • Aggregating functions: COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN().
    • Filtering groups: HAVING clause.
  5. Subqueries and Derived Tables:

    • Writing subqueries.
    • Correlated subqueries.
    • Derived tables (also known as inline views or subquery factoring).
  6. Data Modification:

    • INSERT statement: Adding data to a table.
    • UPDATE statement: Modifying existing data.
    • DELETE statement: Removing data from a table.
    • Transactions and data integrity.
  7. Advanced SQL Techniques:

    • Common Table Expressions (CTEs).
    • Window functions: ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), etc.
    • Recursive queries.
    • Pivoting and unpivoting data.
  8. Working with Time Series Data:

    • Date and time functions in SQL.
    • Handling time series data efficiently.
    • Aggregating and analyzing time-based data.
  9. Case Studies and Practical Applications:

    • Applying SQL to financial data analysis.
    • Quantitative modeling with SQL.
    • Real-world examples and projects.
  10. Integration with Programming Languages:

    • Using SQL within Python, R, or other programming languages.
    • Connecting SQL databases to analytical tools and frameworks.
  11. Best Practices and Tips:

    • Writing efficient and maintainable SQL code.
    • Handling large datasets.
    • Security considerations.

This outline covers the fundamental concepts and practical skills necessary for quants to leverage SQL effectively in their data analysis and modeling tasks.