kdb+ visualization tools fall into 3 groups:

Kdb+ Specific Visualization

sql dashboards - real time charting qStudio sqlDashboards Integration KX Delta Dashboards KX Delta Dashboards sqlDashboards in Black


  • sqlDashboards: 1 2, 3,
  • KX Dashboards: 1, 2


Software Type Price Web Based Description
sqlDashboards kdb+ Specific £35 for single user No - Java GUI Easy to use drag and drop interface that allows real-time updating charts for kdb. Users can save dashboards to file. Limited chart customization possible from GUI, only data driven.
Dashboards for KX (HTML5) kdb+ Specific $$$ Expensive Yes Easy to use, highly customizable, good performance (as far as reported).
First Derivatives Dashboards (Flash) kdb+ Specific $$$ Expensive Yes - but flash based Easy to use, highly customizable, good performance but now legacy due to technology choice.
ChartIQ kdb+ Specific? $? Yes From it's own website: "..professional grade HTML5 charting library solution that works seamlessly across desktop, web, tablet, and smartphone. ...ChartIQ is a developer-friendly financial visualization engine..." . Unsure how well it supports kdb+ specifically but kx announced integration.
Panopticon kdb+ Specific $$$ Expensive No - Java. HTML5 possibly coming. Easy to use, highly customizable, great performance, finance and time-series specific charting, an excellent product. The main drawback is that it's java based though they are developing an HTML client.

Open Source

Software Type Price Web Based Description
KDB+ Web Components kdb+ Specific Free (MIT) Yes Raw html web components, a lot of functionality and some beautiful charts with reasonable documentation. Lacks polish in some areas but powerful and could be expanded.

JDBC/ODBC based kdb+ Reports

There's little value to delving into the full list of JDBC tools available. Some of the popular reporting tools are shown below, those in bold I know have been used with kdb+:

Open Source - Java based: BIRT, JasperReports.
Commercial QlikView, tableau (Integrates with ODBC),

Other Language Visualization Tools


Jupyter notebook has a kdb kernel

Zeppelin notebook supports JDBC connections.

Shiny Server R/q can be embedded and this allows using R shiny. (Only pro/commercial supports security)

kdb Python Visualization

Kdb can integrate well with Python, or even be embedded within python, once you can easily convert kdb tables to python objects, you can use any python visualization libraries you want.