logging all kdb server user queries - Kdb+ / qStudio

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    Is there an option in kdb to monitor all user queries?
    How can this be controlled?


    Kdb processes can be monitored using the scripts at:

    Monitoring works by overriding the default IPC event handlers (http://www.timestored.com/kdb-guides/interprocess-communication#messageHandlers) so that for all types of client call the username, time, query itself can all be logged.

    The console even has an event handler for instructions entered there, that can be overridden e.g.

    q).z.pi:{ show raze "user entered ",string[x]," at ",string .z.t; value x}
    "user entered 2+2\n at 22:14:22.356"

    The defaults on UsingDotz are probably excessive for what you need and introduce unnecessary overhead per call, I would customize it to your requirements.

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