In this tutorial we will use Redis Cloud to create a live dashboard.
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
It's low latency API makes it ideal for fast updating dashboards like Pulse.

Redis Dashboards Redis dashboard

Creating new Redis Instance

Redis can either be ran locally or you can use Redis Cloud. To keep this tutorial simple we opted for cloud. Simply start a small service in your chosen region. The connection details should be provided, similar to shown:

Redis Cloud Config

Populating Redis with Data

To populate some data run the below commands:

Add Redis Connection

Download Pulse

Download Pulse. Any platform is fine, then launch pulse.exe or This will open the pulse UI in a web browser.
Click Connections to go to the connections screen.

Pulse Add Connection

To add a connection in Pulse goto Connections->"Add Data Connection" and fill in your details.
You can try clicking test to see if the connection works before adding it.

  • type: Redis
  • host:
  • port: 16646
  • database:
  • username: default
Pulse connecting to Redis

Adding our First Table

  1. On the dashboards listing page, click add
    Add PostgreSQL Dashboard
  2. Click on the newly created dashboard to go into it. Either click on edit or toggle design mode once in the dashboard.
    Edit PostgreSQL Dashboard
  3. On the component bar, click "Table" to add a grid.
    Add Chart to Dashboard
  4. Within the Editor
    • Select the Redis server
    • Enter the query:

    Redis Live Table

Adding a Chart

  1. On the component bar, click add bar chart icon.
  2. Within the Editor
    • Select the Redis server
    • Enter the query:
      zrange hackers 0 -1 withscores
Redis Live Chart

Well Done

Well done, we've created our Redis Dashboard.

The video demonstrates much more including interactively setting Redis variables from forms. See our Redis connection help page for more information on Redis and our variables page for details on how forms/variables work.

Thanks for watching our demo. Please download Pulse to give it a try for yourself.

Download Pulse