qStudio has experimental support for Redis. It allows easily running Redis Commands.

Create Connection

Add Redis Connection

To add a connection in Pulse goto Connections->"Add Data Connection" and fill in your details.
You can try clicking test to see if the connection works before adding it. For example:

Redis Cloud Config Create new Redis Connection
  • type: Redis
  • host: redis-16646.c1.eu-west-1-3.ec2.cloud.redislabs.com
  • port: 16646
  • database:
  • username: default

Data Display

The keys of different types are displayed in different ways:

  • String A table with one column (value) and one row.
  • List A table with one column (value) and one or several rows.
  • Set A table with one column (value) and one or several rows.
  • Sorted Set A table with two columns (value and score) and one or several rows.
  • Hash Table A table with two columns (field and value) and one or several rows.
  • Stream A table with two columns (field and value) and one or several rows.

Redis Example

See our redis + pulse tutorial for a detailed example.