Student kdb+ Course - Kdb+ / qStudio

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    Welcome to the TimeStored online kdb+ training program.

    This is our first training course for students and we are hoping to make it very successful. There has been overwhelming demand so if there are a few hiccups in terms of logins and how long we take on providing feedback please stick with us.


    Normally our course takes 3 days of full-time work. We are are planning to spread this over 6 weeks and to add a group or individual project:

    Week Start Date Section Details
    1 16th May 1 History, Setup, Getting Started, Simple Data Types
    2 23rd May 1 Lists, Dictionaries, Symbols
    3 30th May 2 Functions, Defining Tables
    4 6th June 2 Tables and Queries
    5 13th June 3 IPC, Adverbs, Functional Form
    6 20th June 3 On-disk Storage
    7 27th June 4 Group or Individual Projects
    8 4th July 4 Group or Individual Projects
    9 11th July 4 Deadline to present Project

    We heavily recommend keeping to the schedule and we are considering removing anyone who falls too far behind. The reason for this is that we have found that to really learn a language well you must work in it often, even if just a little.

    Course Login

    Login HERE
    (This can normally be found under the menu option “kdb+” -> “Online Course Login”)




    in the last email you said you would be in touch about how to log in etc.,

    but I didn’t receive the email yet, and apparently the course starts today.

    I did answer this email with “I accept” and so on.




    I am having the same issue trying to login to the course.

    Thank you




    Hi Admin,

    I think the course is supposed to start today. But I cannot login. I see that other people are having same issues. Kindly let us know if this is still on.




    Details will be mailed out within the next two hours.


    Details have now been sent.



    I hope this is the place to ask questions. Sorry about being late but last week was busy at work. I’ve got a couple of questions:


    When getting type information I get a reply like


    What does ‘-‘ mean? Does the ‘h’ mean that the type number is a short or does it mean something else?


    The “display format” for the month datatype is “”? Slightly confusing to me since I expected the actual number of months, not something that looks like year + month. Just checking to make sure that I haven’t missed something.


    Hi there

    I am also a bit late starting this due to some urgent commitments but really want to catch up with training. I dont seem to be able to login using the credentials provided in the email





    (Replying to jemostrom)

    Fellow student and complete beginner here.

    In -11h, 11 means your data is a symbol and – means its an atom. A type num code of (positive) 11 would have meant a symbol list, here you have a symbol atom (one value). The h show that the value that you get back as the type’s numerical code is a long.

    q)type ``zaphod
    q)type ``zaphod``beeblebrox

    (I would rewatch the data type and cast videos if that remain unclear).

    Happy hacking!



    In the code above backticks have been swallowed by WP. It was meant as zaphod and zaphodbeeblebrox.



    In reply to jemostrom…

    I’m also a fellow student. My understanding of the month portion is that if you were to ask someone “What month did X event happen?” and they just said “January” that may not be specific enough. A month is defined relative to its year, so “January of 2015” would make more sense. That’s what the month datatype represents.

    This is comparable to the date datatype where if you asked someone “What day did X event happen?” and they just said “30” you would probably need more information, like the relative month and year so “The 30th of January in 2015” makes more sense. Hope that helps!



    I was more thinking in terms of: how many months are there between june 2017 and september 2012 then an answer like 2004-10 wouldn’t make sense. But I assume a cast can solve that problem.



    I’m probably half-blind but where can I find that example file trades.q?



    Do we have section 3 open for access yet?


    Yes it was opened a few days ago.

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