Archive for the 'qStudio' Category

qStudio Version 3.0 Released

Powerful local qDuckDB

QStudio is the best SQL IDE for data analysis.
DuckDB is the best free database for OLAP analytical queries.
Together they provide a powerful desktop platform for data analysis.

  • Powerful Local Database – qDuckDB is now at the core of qStudio.
  • Save Locally – Convert a query result from any database to store it locally.
  • Parquet File Viewer – Click to open a parquet file on windows.
    Parquet is the stored data standard of the future and works with everything.
  • Join Data from Different Data Sources

qStudio adds HTML / JS / JSON / Bat / Sh highlighting

Occasionally you want to edit one other file quickly.
To allow that we’ve added highlighting for:
c, cpp, java, bat, sh, html, js, json, xml and properties files.

qStudio – You must update this year

The java core feature qStudio relied on for license key authentication has been removed in java 17. If you are using a version of qStudio lower than 2.53 you MUST upgrade this year. Download qStudio now.

  • Old license keys and old versions of qStudio cannot work on java 17+ as the core java library is removed.
  • qStudio 2.53+ released 2023-08-14 will accept both old and new license keys and work on java 8/9/11/17 …. everything.Download it now.
  • All keys provided from 2024-01-01 have been using the new key format. These keys start with QSV3.

We really wish 11+ years ago we hadn’t chosen this particular library but what can you do 🙂

Existing enterprising customers may be issued an old key for exceptional circumstances. If absolutely required, get in touch.

New SQL Docs

We just launched a new sql documentation website:
to allow integration with Pulse / qStudio and docs more easily.
More updates on this integration will be announced shortly. 🙂

Support for 30+ databases added to qStudio and Pulse.

Support for 30+ databases has now been added to both qStudio and Pulse.
Clickhouse, Redis, MongoDB, Timescale, DuckDB, TDEngine and the full list shown below are all now supported.

// Supports Every Popular Database

Pulse is being used successfully to deliver data apps including TCA, algo controls,  trade blotters and various other financial analytics. Our users wanted to see all of their data in one place without the cost of duplication. Today we released support for 30+ databases.

“My market data travels over ZeroMQ, is cached in Reddit and stored into QuestDB. While static security data is in SQL server. With this change to Pulse I can view all my data easily in one place.” – Mark – Platform Lead at Crypto Algo Trading Firm.

// Highlighted Partners

In particular we have worked closely with chosen vendors to ensure compatibility.
A number of vendors have tested the system and documented setup on their own websites:

  • TDEngine –  Open-source time series database purpose-built for the IoT (Internet of Things).
  • QuestDB –  Open source time-series database with a similar architecture to kdb+ that supports last-by and asof joins. See our crypto Pulse demo.
  • TimeScale – PostgreSQL++ for time series and events, engineered for speed.
  • ClickHouse and DuckDBWere tested by members of their community and a number of improvements made.

// The Big Picture

qStudio supported databases

Download Pulse 1.36

Download qStudio 2.52

qStudio – 2.05 – Dark Theme and High DPI Support

qStudio release 2.05 added:

  1. Mac / Intellij / Flat / Material Theme support
  2. Inlcuding 20+ Intellij and 20+ Material Themes builtin
  3. Scaling font size in settings increases code size and all font sizes throughout the UI
  4. Jetbrains Mono is now bundled as the default Font for development

Notice Also

  • The menu bar is now integrated with the title on platforms with that enabled (Windows 10/11)
  • File chooser now includes shortcuts to popular locations
  • Native window decorations on Windows 10 – Snapping / Shadows / etc.


qStudio Dark Theme

qStudio Dark Theme

qStudio Theme Settings

qStudio Light Mac Theme

qStudio Light Mac Theme

Pulse – as a qStudio alternative

qStudio is the number one code editor, server browser and development environment for kdb+.
Today we are launching Pulse, a real-time SQL visualization tool for almost any SQL database.
Within Pulse we have recreated almost all the functionality of qStudio in web form.

If you’ve ever wanted to:

  • Share queries and results
  • Run analysis from any machine with a browser without a need to install qStudio
  • Chart results using a modern charting library

You should consider using Pulse as a shared HTML5 based complement to qStudio..

As you can see below, pulse can be made to look almost the exact same as qStudio. It features the familiar configurable layout with a table/console/charting result panel that allows you to see your result in all formats at once.

Additionally you can

  • Bookmark,copy and share links
  • Use it with kdb+, postgresql, mysql, oracle and H2 databases
  • Try many more chart types including 3D.

Try Pulse Now

qStudio 1.45 Released

qStudio 1.45 Released, we have:

  • Bugfix: Ctrl+F Search in source fixed. (Thanks Alex)
  • Added Step-Plot Chart display option
  • Added Stacked Bar Chart display option
  • Added Dot graph render display option (Inspired by Noormo)
  • Bugfix: Hidden folders/files regex now works again in file tree and command bar. Target and hidden folders are ignored by default.
  • Bugfix: Mac was displaying startup error with java 9


Some example charts:

qStudio adds Step Plots for displaying price Steps.

Our standard time-series graph interpolates between points. When the data you are displaying is price points, it’s not really valid to always interpolate. If the price was 0.40 at 2pm then 0.46 at 3pm, that does not mean it could be interpreted as 0.43 at 2.30pm. Amazingly till now, sqlDashboards had no sensible way to show taht data. Now we do:

For comparison here is the same data as a time-series graph:

The step-plot is usable for time-series and numerical XY data series. The format is detailed on the usual chart format pages.

qStudio now supports Stacked Bar Charts

qStudio has added support for stacked bar charts:

The chart format for this is: The first string columns are used as category labels. Whatever numeric columns appear next are a separate series in the chart. Each row in the data becomes one stacked bar. The table for the data shown above for example is:

2018-03-30 1047 2120 592 25 3660 303 225 383
2018-03-29 1148 2118 528 10 3656 541 215 303
2018-03-28 1201 2085 555 17 3644 302 290 339
2018-03-27 1206 2182 535 21 3604 235 299 319
2018-03-26 1239 2041 515 16 3549 251 234 363
2018-03-25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018-03-24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018-03-23 1379 2115 595 29 3430 138 251 348
2018-03-22 1431 2179 517 25 3399 531 222 320
2018-03-21 1530 2032 558 29 3282 438 296 359
2018-03-20 1531 2134 520 23 3256 515 265 322

You may need to “kdb pivot” your original data to get it in the correct shape.