Available in Enterprise edition.

Admin Configuration

Some powerful settings can only be configured from the server itself as they will change infrequently and should only be changed with caution as security settings for example could lock all users out.

The lookup evaluates in the order of:

  1. YAML config file
  2. Environment variable
  3. System property
  4. Default
In reality you will likely choose one of these methods to specify all of your settings.
Any non-null in the first three will result in the placeholder being filled. This allows a blank value in an environment variable to supersede a non-blank in a system property.


YAML Name ENV variable Default Description
SERVER_PORT 8080 The port that the web server will run on
demo DEMO true whether Pulse should run in demo mode. In demo mode users are automatically logged in using the default admin:pass details.
demo_rundb DEMO_RUNDB true whether Pulse should run a bundled database called DEMODB. Required to view builtin demos or run demo panels.
license_text LICENSE_TEXT Your user license for pulse that controls how many users are permitted to use Pulse.
master_api_key MASTER_API_KEY Hardcoded API key that can be used to make admin API calls from CURL etc.
auth_url AUTH_URL HTTP Endpoint for Authentication. See Custom Security
auth_proxy_enabled AUTH_PROXY_ENABLED false If true, HTTP headers can be used to pass username logins.
username_header_name USERNAME_HEADER_NAME X-WEBAUTH-USER The HTTP header that contains the username.
auto_sign_up AUTO_SIGNUP If true, users authenticated by proxy have a profile created if required.

SMTP Settings

YAML Name ENV variable Default Description
smtp_enabled SMTP_ENABLED FALSE Whether to enable SMTP.
smtp_starttls SMTP_STARTTLS TRUE Whether to enable starttks.
smtp_host SMTP_HOST The hostname of SMTP server. e.g.
smtp_port SMTP_PORT The port of the SMTP server. e.g. 25
smtp_user SMTP_USER Username.
smtp_password SMTP_PASSWORD Password.
smtp_from_address SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS From email address. e.g.
smtp_from_name SMTP_FROM_NAME From name e.g. PulseAdmin


The pulse-log.bat that comes with pulse in the .zip and .exe installer contains the following configuration:

Set Pulse License

To acquire a licenses either register for free or purchase a pro license to allow more users and enterprise features.

A license is a long sequence of characters, those characters should be defined as an environment variable. If you downloaded the zip or ran the installer, that includes a pulse-log.bat for windows and a for linux. You can edit those files to set the license like so: