Pulse is designed for real-time interactive dashboards, as such some limits are in place to optimize for that use-case. You may see a message in the UI or logs wanring about limits being reached. Below are details on some common messages:

Request Failed with Status Code 404

Your Pulse server is likely down. Either restart or contact the owner to restart. If you think this may have been due to a server problem, save logs, search for ERROR/SEVERE/WARNING or forward to TimeStored for analysis.

Query result larger than maximum rows permitted.

Pulse has a default hardcoded limit of 10013 rows of data. If you try to query from either SQL Editor or the Dashboards a result larger than that, you will receive a popup error message. When this happens not all rows are being returned. This limit is in place to prevent very large queries either blocking the database or the client.

Basic License: Pulse only allows 3 Active Dashboards per User.

We want where possible to make as much as Pulse free as possible for home users but we do have to set some limits to ensure that large corporate deploys contribute to the continued development of Pulse.

If you are deploying Pulse commercially and find it useful, please purchase professional edition to ensure we can continue to drive the platform forward.

If you are a student, startup or think you should have a free or discount license please Contact Us.