Pulse can play a sound or read text aloud based on an SQL query. This works by configuring a column as a sound column. When the table is refreshed, if the column contains a value, that sound will be produced.
Currently this only works when displaying a table, in future this may be expanded to other display types. There is also a 10-second limit. Any one sound or text will at most be played once per 10 seconds regardless of refresh rate.

Warning: Playing the below video includes what some may consider annoying noises. Perhaps turn your volume down.

Sounds can be either:

  • Pre-installed sounds including: alarm, bell, buzzer, kaching, sheep, siren, stockbell, trumpet, uhoh.
  • URLs beginning with http will be played if possible. e.g. https://www.timestored.com/files/goodresult.mp3
  • Text will be read out loud using the system Text To Speech
SQL Audio Alerts
Example kdb Code